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Biteg.xyz Google Analytics Referral Spam

You have noticed weird traffic appearing in your Google Analytics, showing as Biteg.xyz. So, what is it and how do you get rid of it. Biteg.xyz referral spam is essentially fake traffic, sometimes referred to as ghost traffic.

The person behind this is inserting fake referral URLs into your Google Analytics to trick you into thinking that a certain website is driving traffic for you. It’s not actually so your Google Analytics data might be misleading. The scammer is expecting you to click on the domain and in that way traffic is driven to their website. This ghost spam does not only make your data inaccurate but it may also expose you you to malicious software if clicked on. This is why you should not click on every single link that appears in your Analytics without making sure it is safe.

What to do to delete Biteg.xyz referral spam?

The below provided instructions will help you block all kinds of spam from appearing in your Google Analytics. It is not difficult to do but ensue that you perform every step carefully.

Creating a valid hostname filter

  1. To start, you will have to access your list of hostnames. Network Report -> Audience -> Technology -> Network.
  2. Select Hostname. There you will see the hostnames. Take note of all valid ones and write them down and separate each one with a “|” character. Also insert “\” before dots. So for example, hostname\.com|blog\.hostname\.com and so on.
  3. Access the Admin tab. Under View, you will see Filters. Press on that. Choose + Add Filter and name it Valid Hostnames.
  4. Under Filter Type, select Custom. Make sure you select Include and then Hostname. In the field under the Filter Pattern, put in the list of valid hostnames you created in step 2.
  5. Save.

Filter for Crawler Spam

  1. Access the Admin tab. Under View, you will see Filters. Press on that. Choose + Add Filter and name it Crawler Spam.
  2. Under Filter Type, select Custom. Make sure you select Exclude.
  3. Choose Campaign Source in the Filter Field.
  4. In the Filter Pattern, input: (best|dollar|success|top1)\-seo|(videos|buttons)\-for|anticrawler|^scripted\.|semalt|forum69|7makemon|biteg|sharebutton|ranksonic| sitevaluation|dailyrank|vitaly|profit\.xyz|rankings\-|dbutton|uptime(bot|check|\.com) in the Filter Pattern.
  5. Save.

This should remove Biteg.xyz referral spam and your Analytics data will be accurate again.