2 Remove Virus

How to Access Safe Mode on Android OS

As you may already know, malware no longer troubles only computer users. Cyber criminals have expanded their horizons by creating infections that can infiltrate smartphones and tablets as well. Malicious threats may slither into your devices without your notice.

They could lock your screen, accuse you of crimes that you did not commit, demand that you pay a ransom, and so on. In order to eliminate a harmful parasite from your Android, you can either connect it to your computer and use a security program to clean it or perform a factory reset.

There is, however, one more method that can help you to get rid the unwanted software on your device and that is to use an anti-malware utility. Nowadays, there are plenty of security tools to choose from. In order to download the malware remover and clean your device, you will have to reboot it in Safe Mode. Some difficulties may arise while completing this task, because accessing this mode requires you to complete different steps on different smartphones. That is why we have prepared instructions of how to access Safe Mode for all Android operating systems.

Safe Mode on Samsung smartphones

Samsung Galaxy 3

Samsung Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S5 and S6

Safe Mode on Sony smartphones

Sony Z1

Sony Z2

Sony Z3

Safe Mode on HTC smartphones

HTC One M8

HTC One M9

Safe Mode on LG smartphones

Safe Mode on Huawei smartphones