2 Remove Virus

Remove consent.exe

About consent.exe file

If you notice a consent.exe process running on your computer, it’s nothing to worry about. It is a legitimate executable file that belongs to Microsoft Windows. If it does not cause any problems and you’re simply curious about it appearing in your Windows Task Manager, you don’t need to do anything. However, some users do report that they occasionally encounter errors. Nevertheless, even if you do encounter errors, you should not delete consent.exe because it could disrupt regular Windows operations and cause more problems. It’s best to leave it alone.

The file should be located in c:\windows\system32, so if you want to be sure it’s the legitimate file, check the location. However, if you notice it somewhere else, we would recommend you scan your computer with anti-virus software. It’s not uncommon for malware to disguise as legitimate files in order to trick users into keeping the file.

Should you remove consent.exe?

If you’re thinking of removing the legitimate file, don’t. Its removal could disrupt your regular computer operations and would cause more harm than good. But if you’re worried that the file could be malware in disguise, obtain an anti-virus program and have it scan your computer. If the program detects a file with that name as a threat, allow it to remove it. In general, you should have anti-virus active on your computer at all times, particularly if you are not very familiar with the symptoms of a malware infection. If you had security software active, it would prevent an infection from getting in from the very beginning, so there would be no need to worry about it causing damage.


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