2 Remove Virus

Remove InstUp.exe

What is InstUp.exe

The file InstUp.exe belongs to the program Avast Free Antivirus. If you notice it running on your computer, there is no need to worry because it will not do any harm. It may use up a lot of your computer’s resources at times while the anti-virus is running but otherwise it should not bother you. If you remove InstUp.exe, you would end up disrupting Avast’s operations, so doing so is not recommended. The legitimate file should be located in a subfolder in C:\Program Files.

We should mention that it’s not uncommon for malware to disguise itself as some legitimate file so that when users look up the file, they get results saying it’s legitimate. One of the signs that you’re not dealing with Avast’s file is if the file is located anywhere else besides in C:\Program Files. If you notice it somewhere else, we would recommend you check your computer for malware.

Should you delete InstUp.exe?

We don’t recommend deleting the legitimate file because it would cause problems with Avast. However, if you suspect it to be malware, download anti-malware software and scan your computer. We would recommend you have anti-malware software installed and active at all times because an infection could enter your computer at any time. The security software would detect the infection as it is entering, or if it is already inside, it would detect and eliminate it. Nevertheless, if you have Avast installed, it’s unlikely that the file is malicious because the program would have detected the malware. If you don’t have Avast installed, then it could be malware.


More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.