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What is hpwuschd2.exe

About hpwuschd2.exe

hpwuschd2.exe is a legitimate file that belongs to Hewlett-Packard, more commonly known as HP. It’s essentially responsible for keeping HP software updated but it’s not an essential process. It generally runs in the background, and shouldn’t cause any issues. The legitimate file can be found in C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe, and should not be located anywhere else. Generally, users shouldn’t notice the process running, unless they specifically look for it or it’s causing problems. It can be seen running in Task Manager, but it shouldn’t use a lot of your CPU so it wouldn’t catch your attention.

We should mention that some malware can disguise itself as a legitimate process in order to avoid detection. This happens very rarely, and it’s unlikely that you would notice if it did. One of the signs could be it not being located in C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update. Or if you notice it using a lot of your computer’s resources. If you do notice something amiss with hpwuschd2.exe, do no do anything manually. You will need to install anti-malware software and have it check your computer for malware.

Do you need to delete hpwuschd2.exe?

If it’s not causing you any issues, you don’t need to do anything. Although, some users report that it causes errors. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it. However, since there is a possibility that hpwuschd2.exe could be disguised as malware, we recommend you check your computer for infections. After all, you did not notice hpwuschd2.exe for nothing. If it has come to your attention, you should make sure it’s not malware. All you really need to do is scan your computer with a security tool, and if it finds something, allow the program to get rid of it.


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