CyberGhost has 3 free trials available, as well as a 45-day money-back guarantee. Windows/macOS users get a 24-hour free trial, iOS users – a 7-day free trial, and Android users – a 3-day free trial. It’s a great VPN in general but the three free trials make it a standout.




CyberGhost is one of the best VPNs overall, no matter what criteria you’re judging it by. It has a significant network of servers, great security, and military-grade encryption. It also has great speeds and is able to unblock streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+.

CyberGhost is one of the cheaper VPNs available in the market. If you can commit to a long-term subscription, you could get CyberGhost for as little as $2.19/month. Nonetheless, it’s understandable that users want to try out CyberGhost for free.

Does CyberGhost have a free trial?

CyberGhost is one of the few VPNs that is quite generous with free trials. It has one for all popular OSs, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

  • Windows/macOS

CyberGhost offers a 24-hour trial for all Windows/macOS users. It’s worth noting that there is no need to register or provide payment card details, all users need to do is just download the program. You will be able to use it for 24 hours. Once the trial period ends, you will have to buy a subscription to continue using CyberGhost.

  • iOS

CyberGhost has a 7-day free iOS trial. To get the trial, you’d have to download CyberGhost from the Apple App Store and create an account. It’s worth mentioning that you would need to provide your payment card information to Apple to get the CyberGhost 7-day free iOS trial.

  • Android

Unlike iOS users, Android users can get a 3-day CyberGhost free trial. You’d have to download CyberGhost VPN from the Google Play Store and create an account. You’d also need to give your payment card information to Google in order to get the 3-day CyberGhost free trial.

How to get a CyberGhost free trial?

If you need assistance, here are the instructions for how to get CyberGhost free trials:


  1. Download CyberGhost from an official source and install it.
  2. Use it for free for 24 hours. No need to create an account or do anything else.


Once you get the CyberGhost Android free 3-day trial, you can then use it on all devices, whatever OS they are running.

  1. Type CyberGhost in the Google Play Store.
  2. Download CyberGhost and wait for the app to install.
  3. Open CyberGhost and create an account following the onscreen instructions.
  4. Choose a plan that also includes a 3-day free trial.
  5. Enjoy CyberGhost.

How to cancel CyberGhost trial on Android

If you just wanted to use CyberGhost for free or if you did not like the program, you need to cancel the subscription before your trial ends. Otherwise, you would be charged. To cancel CyberGhost on Android, use these instructions:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app and click on your account (top-right corner).
  2. Payments and subscriptions -> Subscriptions.
  3. Find CyberGhost and click “Cancel subscription”.


Once you get the CyberGhost iOS free 7-day trial, you can then use it on all devices, whatever OS they are running.

  1. Open the Apple App Store, type “CyberGhost” in the search bar, and download CyberGhost.
  2. Open the CyberGhost app and click Create account.
  3. Choose a plan that offers a 7-day free CyberGhost trial and confirm the subscription.
  4. Enjoy CyberGhost.

How to cancel CyberGhost trial on iOS

If you just wanted to use CyberGhost for free or if you did not like the program, you need to cancel the subscription before your trial ends. Otherwise, you would be charged. To cancel CyberGhost on iOS, use these instructions:

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone/iPad.
  2. Apple ID -> Subscriptions.
  3. Find CyberGhost VPN among the active subscriptions, click on it, and click “Cancel subscription”.

Can you use CyberGhost’s free trial more than once?

If you’ve already used the free trials, you may be wondering whether it’s possible to use a CyberGhost free trial more than once. Technically, yes, it is possible. However, you’d have to create multiple Apple IDs and Google accounts in order to use the trials again.

CyberGhost 45-day money-back guarantee

Usually, VPNs offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. However, CyberGhost has a 45-day money-back guarantee for long-term subscriptions. This means that after you buy a subscription, you can get your money back after more than a month of use. It can technically count as a 45-day free trial because if you request a refund, you get to use CyberGhost for free.

The 45-day money-back guarantee is only applicable for long-term subscriptions (1-year or 2-year subscriptions). Users who get the 1-month subscription can get a refund within 14 days of purchase.

It should be mentioned that in order to be eligible to get a refund, you need to purchase the subscription directly from CyberGhost. If you buy it from a third party like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, you’d have to request a refund from them, not CyberGhost.

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